25 May Training toolkit for property valuation professionals on how to factor energy efficiency and renewable energy issues into valuation practices
25 May 2016. The National Energy Conservation Agency of Poland (NAPE) is partner of this project cofunded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme of the European Union.
The Renovalue project developed training material to provide practising valuation professionals with the tools to include sustainability in their daily practice. Such training material provides them with a more profound knowledge base regarding, inter alia, the impact (or potential impact) of sustainability features on various economic building performance aspects, respective information sources, as well as methodological and theoretical guidance so that valuation professionals can appropriately factor energy efficiency and renewable energy sources issues into the valuation process and advise their clients accordingly.
The training material consists of a set of slides to be used as guidance support by professional training providers, professional valuation organisations and other real estate market participants. The slides are available in 8 languages and can be downloaded from the Renovalue website. In addition, the slides are integrated on an eLearning course accessible to valuers via the RICS Online Learning Academy.