17 Oct DREEAM technical partners meet the UK pilot team to conceptualise upcoming renovations
Exeleria and Chalmers met the Places for People (PfP) team to conceptualise ambitious renovation plans for 102 houses to be renovated in spring 2017. The workshop took place on 31st August in Places for People premise in Preston. From PfP all key company stakeholders participated who will normally have a decision power over projects of similar scale – Derek Waters, Head of Environmental Sustainability; Sue Dixon, Senior Quantity Surveyor, Dean Moran, Investment Planning Manager . The purpose of the meeting was to discuss three qualitative renovation concepts developed prior to the meeting by DREEAM partners – Exeleria and Chalmers, with the support of 3C-Precon. In the discussion the suggested individual renovations solutions were elaborated on in terms of their feasibility and preferences of Places of People. As a result, three adjusted concepts were agreed on for further elaboration. These are now being simulated by the Exeleria team, in order to assess their energy demand reduction potential and costs. Follow-up discussions will be planned in the course of October 2016.