15 Nov DREEAM Voucher Programme Kicks-off in Turin
Rolf Bastiaanssen of Bax & Company, Sebina Manente of ATER and Izabela Kurkowska of Chalmers represented DREEAM at the annual EURHONET conference ‘Housing the future – Stronger together!’. The conference took place on the 25th October in Turin and was hosted by the ATC Piemonte Centrale.
In the first part of the conference the importance of participation in European projects was discussed in a world-café format. Four projects, including DREEAM, had the opportunity to present themselves to the audience in four interactive sessions focusing on the opportunities and challenges related to European collaborations. For DREEAM, this was also an occasion to introduce the DREEAM replication voucher to Eurhonet members.
As part of the DREEAM voucher, project partner Bax & Company will provide advice on strategic planning of large-scale portfolio renovation, and Exeleria will provide technical guidance for concrete multi-building projects to external housing companies. The acquisition of European housing companies interested in the voucher is led by Rolf Bastiaanssen from Bax & Company.