25 Apr DREEAM partners will present project case study to global leader in energy efficiency tomorrow
The Topic Group Energy Efficient Housing (EFL) and ISTA have invited the DREEAM project to present at their EFL seminar tomorrow in Essen, Germany.
Improving energy performance in buildings is currently one of the main investment priorities of housing companies. In tomorrow’s seminar, key initiatives and projects that are working to meet this objective will be shared, from France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden.
Rolf Bastiaanssen of Bax & Company will give an introductory overview of the DREEAM project and Alexander Stöckl of 1892 will present a case study in Berlin, followed by an interactive Q&A session..
During the seminar, Joost Nieuwenhuijzen of EFL will share latest experiences with upgrading buildings from fellow EFL members and Ulrich Fischer of ISTA, the global leader in the field of energy efficiency, will provide further expertise and experiences.
PropTech innovator, Egain, from Sweden will also introduce the participants to cost saving ways for housing companies in the latest innovation of energy measurement and reduction of energy use >20%.
The seminar will take place in the ATLANTIC Congress Hotel Essen from 10am to 15:30.
The DREEAM partners are looking forward to the interesting insights and discussions and hope to learn a lot from the experienced hosts.