24 May Upscaling energy efficiency investment in Europe’s housing stock: data-driven strategies
On Wednesday 5th June, DREEAM project partners will be at the International Social Housing Festival in Lyon to share the project results and motivate social housing providers across Europe to scale up and facilitate investment in the Energy renovation.
Bax & Company will lead a workshop on upscaling energy efficiency. After explaining the DREEAM approach and data-driven scenario tool, they will challenge the participants through a participative workshop.
Participants will be encouraged to think about the following:
- How do you plan investment in energy renovation? Is there a specific budget on this theme?
- Do you have a long-term energy vision?
- Do you take the most out of your data?
- What do you need to go further?
- What about new approaches such as Energy Performance Contract or tenant contribution to energy savings?
For more information and to register, please visit: https://www.ishf2019.com/events/dreeam-project-upscaling-energy-efficiency-investment-in-europes-housing-stock-data-driven-strategies/