21 Jun III Spanish Congress of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings
21 June 2016. DREEAM partners attended in Madrid the main expert forum that addresses the current state of high energy efficiency buildings. The DREEAM project was presented as part of the congress’ book.
The third edition of the Congress of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings took place on 21-22 June 2016 in Madrid, Spain, organised by Grupo Tecma Red. The event gathered experts from research institutes, energy consulting firms, public administration, property developers, energy service companies, etc.
The programme focused on the key issues that currently affect Nearly Zero Energy Buildings in Spain and allowed the participants to understand all the legal, technical and managerial concerns involved. The aim of the event was also to discuss the challenge of reaching near zero energy consumption both in a three-year horizon (public buildings target for 2018) and a five-year horizon (rest of buildings target for 2020).
Ms Manuela Carmena, Madrid mayor, and Mr Francisco Javier Martín, Deputy Director of Architecture and Building Construction of the Spanish Ministry of Development, attended the event among other relevant authorities.
Exeleria attended the congress on behalf of the DREEAM project. Main outcomes include the gathering of valuable insights and contacts that will be used during the course of the project, as well as the increase of the DREEAM visibility thanks to the congress’ book publication.
Agenda details and presentations can be found here.